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Physical Therapy Awareness Day 2022 & Discount Code
Physiotherapy awareness day takes place on the 8th of September every year, with a special focus on Osteoarthritis for 2022.
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis, which can occur due to injury, hereditary factors, age, weight and gender. It affects people of the age of 45 and is a more prominent condition in women, 12:1. Osteoarthritis affects the joints and can cause tenderness, pain, stiffness and knobbly-looking joints. It can also have an effect on the muscles around the joint, and they can become weaker and waste away due to the lack of movement, likely because of the pain when moving the joint.
Can Osteoarthritis Be Cured?
No, it can’t be cured, but there are daily things you can do to help maintain an independent lifestyle and reduce pain.
Exercise – you can follow the Tenura guide for hand exercises
- Losing weight – this will put less strain on your joints, lightening the load on your knees
- Medication – seek advice from your doctor for the correct course of painkillers
- Anti-inflammatories – Inflamed areas of skin can be treated with anti-inflammatory
What Products Can Help With Osteoarthritis?
Even the NHS website mentions the benefits of assistive devices that can help with Osteoarthritis. We want to add to that list and demonstrate a few Tenura arthritis aids that can help.
Improve Your Writing With Arthritis Aids
If you struggle to write as your wrists and muscles become painful, try a utensil grip around the pencil or other thin handles objects such as cutlery or a toothbrush.
Get a Better Grip with Silicone Grip-Enhancement
Grip strips and silicone grip rolls are a great way to improve your grip on many objects, no matter their size. Use grip strips around small objects or handles, and the grip roll can be wrapped around larger objects for more grip and control over them.
Stand and Sit With Improved Mobility
Osteoarthritis can affect the knees, which makes standing up and sitting down tricky. You can use a Tenura non-slip floor mat to aid you when moving. The floor mat provides the user with grip and a good foothold to assist with mobility and reduce the risk of slips and falls.
Enjoy all the products mentioned above, plus all other Tenura daily living aids at a 10% discount with the code PAD10.
2021 International Persons with Disabilities Day and Discount Code
1992 is when the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was announced and held every year after on the 3rd of December. United Nations lead this observance day and hope those contributing do so in celebration through learning and action. In this blog, we will discuss ways to join in the celebrations in a COVID-friendly way.
A Reflection on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020
Last year's theme was an important one and something many of us hadn't cast much thought upon, "Not All Disabilities Are Visible". The theme made people worldwide re-evaluate the stereotypes that stem from the term disabled. Thanks to this campaign, autism, hearing impairments, or conditions that affect the brain, neurological system, and mental health became widely recognized in terms of disability.
What is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Theme 2021
We are happy the Coronavirus pandemic is leveling out to a form of normalcy. With this year's theme at the forefront of our minds, 'Fighting for rights in the post-COVID era." We can take a deep look into supporting disabled people following the global pandemic.
How Can We Help the Disabled In This Post-COVID World
To best understand how we can support those with disabilities, we have taken a look at the Government's statistics regarding the disabled and how they feel post-COVID.
Mental Health and the Disabled Post COVID
People with disabilities have stated that their mental health has been negatively affected by Coronavirus, and they are having feelings of anxiety, boredom, stress, and loneliness. Almost half of the disabled population reported feeling lonely as an effect of the pandemic, which is significant.
So how can we help? A great way to combat many of the above feelings is by talking about them to others. Some great listeners and advice-givers include family members, friends, or professionals. Verbalizing problems decreases stress levels and opens up the room for conversation and discussion, relieving anxiety and stress.
24% of UK disabled people stated they hadn't spoken to anyone about their worries.
Healthcare and the Disabled Post COVID
40% of disabled people have stated that access to healthcare for non-Coronavirus-related issues has been affected. It's an ambiguous statement, covering many areas from travel to treatment by healthcare professionals at hospitals and GP practices.
So how can we help? If you are a healthcare professional, make sure you positively impact any patient and provide the correct information to allow the individual to seek proper treatment. For anyone who has a disabled relative or friend, make sure they have access to transport and can make their appointments. There are online portals to order online prescriptions, so helping them set up an account can give the disabled person a means of acquiring medication without mobility barriers.
Shopping and the Disabled Post COVID
It is our fundamental human right to have access to water, food, and other essentials, and this is an area some people with disabilities are finding tricky. 27% of disabled people have stated that having access to groceries, medications, and other essentials have been affected by the Coronavirus.
So how can we help? When shopping and being generally out and about, be mindful of others, and keep your 2m distance to make others feel safe in the store. If you have a disabled friend or relative, ask if they need any assistance. If they do not feel comfortable leaving the house, create an online groceries order or help them order goods online. Assess where the disabled person needs additional help and find ways to make this practical and safe.
Coronavirus has affected us all but has taken a toll on some of society more so than others. We need to come together as we did for the NHS and make sure that we as a community are inclusive and accessible to all people no matter their circumstances.
Many products on the market can improve the lives of those with disabilities. At Tenura, we have a range of disability aids that can help in all areas of life. We are offering you a 10% discount to support the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021.
You can redeem the code at checkout, receiving 10% off Tenura products such as:
- Tenura bottle and jar openers, these nifty gadgets are grip-enhancing and make removing lids from containers easier and more comfortable. They are perfect for anyone with weak grip strength.
- Tenura non-slip bath stickers once applied to your bath or shower. They add a non-slip layer that reduces the risk of slips and falls in a frequently wet and notoriously slippy area of the home. These bath stickers are the solution for people needing mobility assistance in the bathroom.
- Tenura table mats work well as placemats or on dinner trays to stop plates from sliding. For people with Parkinson's, hand tremors can make carrying a tray tricky but making sure the objects on the tray won't slide can be helpful.
- Tenura floor mats, you can place them around the home, anywhere you need to add non-slip properties, for example, near your couch to give you a better foothold when standing or sitting down, you can use them in tandem with mobility aids such as walking sticks or wheelchairs.
Use code IDOPWD10 for 10% off the whole Tenura range (valid until 01/12/21).
Global Occupational Therapy Day 2020
Occupational Therapy Day will take place on the 27th of October 2020; it's an internationally recognised observance day that highlights the importance of hard work but also mental and physical wellbeing. This event celebrates the outstanding work of occupational therapists globally through their efforts to re-train and develop the human brain.
We, at Tenura want to thank Occupational Therapists globally for your contributions to our community and people’s lives.
What is Occupational Therapy?
A form of healthcare, occupational therapy (OT), is about rehabilitation via training and therapy; these techniques help patients attain the skills necessary for everyday life and to renter the workplace. Often a person requires OT if they have a physical or mental problem (impairment may be better than ‘problem’) that is currently impacting their life/ability to work.
The role of an occupational therapist is vast and includes developing everyday skills, like:
- Motor Skills (The action/movement of muscles – to walk, stand and balance)
- Life Skills (Cooking, cleaning and getting dressed
- Social Skills (Handling rejection, rewards, and social interactions positively)
- Cognitive Skills (Problem-solving, decision making, and other brain-based skills)
- Coordination (Minimises the risk of injury while also promoting exercise
People of all ages can seek an occupational therapist for several reasons. A person may need the help of an OT for help regarding birth injuries or defects, sensory processing disorders, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, and other such physical or cognitive difficulties.
To help patients, an OT may suggest you purchase certain types of occupational therapy equipment for the home. At Tenura, we have many home aids that can be beneficial to patients, for instance, the Tenura kitchen pack. Occupational therapy equipment for the home can range from small gadgets that help with menial tasks such as opening a jar, to larger disability aids such as grabrails and adaptive technology.
What is an Observance Day?
Observance days, also known as awareness days, are scattered throughout the year. United Nations General Assembly is one of a few organisations that creates the calendar, taking into account recent and historical events that need national or even global humanitarian reflection. We can all learn from our mistakes and successes for a positive future.
How Can you Participate in Occupation Therapy Day?
You can register to participate in the International Day of Occupational Therapy by arranging a volunteering activity. Over the years, there have been many ways to experience World OT day, including setting up information stands, television appeals, social media campaigns, all to spread the OT message. This year's message is to "Reimagine Doing" which reflects the actions OT community as they help and reimagine the best ways to assist the people in society who need it most.
Tenura has a special discount to help you celebrate Occupational Therapy Day 2020. We are offering a 15% discount on occupational therapy equipment for the home, specifically the Tenura kitchen pack, which contains three helpful aids for the elderly, disabled and other people who need assistance.
You can stay on the pulse of the International Day of Occupational Therapy 2020 by following the hashtags:
- #OTDay2020
- #WorldOTDay2020
You can also follow these awesome accounts on Twitter:
- @thewfot
- @promotingot
- @TenuraUS
Don’t forget to tag us in your OT day celebrations!
World Arthritis Day 2020
To help advocate for World Arthritis Day 2020 (10.12.20), we thought it would be a great idea to answer some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding arthritis.
Can Arthritis be Cured? / Can Arthritis be Treated?
Currently, a cure is not known for arthritis. However, there are many treatments available that can decelerate and help minimise the pain and other symptoms surrounding arthritis. If you believe you or someone you know has arthritis, seek a doctor’s advice immediately.
To treat arthritis, you can use prescribed medication. There are some lifestyle changes you can make too, such as spending more time in the sun, as Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and allows the autoimmune system to work correctly. Sunshine is especially helpful for those with rheumatoid arthritis which is often caused by an autoimmune response in the body. You can read more about this in our "Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis" blog.
There are various operations doctors can perform depending on the type of arthritis and its severity, with the well-known being, joint replacement surgery. During this surgery, a prosthetic joint replaces an arthritic joint.
Can Arthritis Spread?
Rheumatoid arthritis is currently perceived to spread via a person’s blood vessels. If a person has rheumatoid arthritis their arthritic joint releases synovial cells contained in the synovial sac (the sac lubricate joints to avoid friction and wear), these cells travel around the body, affecting other joints-according to a study at the Kerckhoff-Clinic, Germany.
Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis does not spread through the body. Due to this, a person with osteoarthritis may overcompensate, heavily using other joints to remain balanced and mobile. Overcompensating can cause those other joints to have excess stress put through them, which can be damaging, and this is why it is crucial to seek a doctor’s advice as soon as symptoms of arthritis occur.
What does Arthritis Look Like?
Arthritis can cause edema (swelling) in the affected areas, along with red-ish skin. In acute cases, joints are misshapen, so much so, the affected area takes on a new shape resulting in a crooked finger or toe. Knobbly abscesses can contribute to the malformed appearance, these abscesses are the body trying to protect itself, as the joints wear down, the body attempts to regrow the bone, and it doesn’t always grow in the shape it once was. Another indication of arthritis is small mucous cysts that develop on the hands.
What does Arthritis Feel Like?
Initially, it is said to feel achy, similar to a burning sensation which comes and goes depending on your activity level. In the later stages, the pain tends not to subside and remains in the affected joints. Around affected joints, the skin may be warm to the touch due to inflammation caused by irritated joints. Joints tend to become stiff and seize up, which is why the NHS recommends exercise.
How can you Participate in World Arthritis Day 2020?
We are glad you asked, there are many ways you can support World Arthritis Day. You can raise awareness and spread knowledge through your family, friends and social media. You can participate in local healthcare organisation’s charity events, appeals or fundraisers. Perhaps you could start a fundraiser yourself or participate in a fun run.
One of the ways Tenura will be supporting World Arthritis Day is through our marketing channels. We will be posting helpful information all month regarding Arthritis and Tenura arthritis aids. You can learn more about Tenura arthritis aids through our blog.
A quick low down of some helpful arthritis friendly Tenura products:
Tenura Non-Slip Coasters and Anti-Slip Mats
Non-slip coasters and anti-slip mats provide a place to rest things such as mugs and plates, the silicone grips onto the objects which keeps them held in position. A person with arthritis may find these anti-slip mats to be helpful, as you can use them in conjunction with the silicone jar and bottle openers to open containers with one hand, allowing you to use the less arthritic hand.
Tenura Silicone Jar and Bottle Opener
Jar and bottle openers enable you to open containers with ease. Tenura silicone has grip-enhancing properties that allow you to get a firm grasp of lids. For a person living with arthritis, these openers can be a great help as pain, swelling, or other flare-up symptoms can make objects a struggle to hold.
Tenura Silicone Cutlery Grips
Arthritis can cause reduced movement in your hands and fingers that makes holding onto cutlery difficult. By sliding Tenura cutlery grips onto utensils, you no longer require the full motion used to clutch cutlery as the surface area is now greater.

Tenura Silicone Non-Slip Grip Strips and Rolls
Create bespoke arthritis aids using Tenura grip strips or rolls. You can cut Tenura silicone down to the size and shape required. Many of our customers who live with arthritis use the grip strips around handles of cupboards, pans, DIY and gardening tools, to mention a few. Tenura silicone is both a non-slip material and grip-enhancing, which is why it is perfect for use on handles, you can get a firm hold without the risk of things slipping out of your hands.
All the products listed above are made from Tenura silicone, which means they are:
- Antimicrobial (prevents bacteria harbouring)
- Washable by hand or dishwasher (withstanding temperatures up to 250°C)
- Non-toxic (safe to use in all environments)
- Latex-free
To stay up-to-date with all the events and activities during World Arthritis Day 2020, you can follow the hashtags:
- #WAD20
- #WorldArthritisDay
- #ArthritisDay
- #ArthritisDay2020
- #CureArthritisWAD
And follow us on our social media channels; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and don’t forget to tag us in your World Arthritis Day activities.