Tenura Updates
FIME Show 2022 Exhibiting Tenura
Come and see us at the FIME Show this year (July 27-29). We will be at stand U35 in the Platinum Hall! We love this exhibition and come back every year to meet the latest and greatest in the industry. Come and talk to us to discuss the prospects and benefits of working with Tenura.
FIME Shows are great fun and connect the healthcare community, bringing us all under one roof. It’s a leading medical trade fair and exhibition where we come to display ground-breaking products and services, such as Tenura daily living aids.
The FIME show lets you get hands-on with the products and speak to us face-to-face.
There’s quite the array of speakers this year, from Harvard professors to record-holding athletes. Each speaker imparts useful information that can help develop goals in your personal and professional life.
If you want to explore the Tenura range beforehand, you can via the products page. You can also get in touch for more information you can by phoning, emailing, or using the inquiry form at the top of the site.
2022 Parkinson's Awareness Month and Discount Code
In this blog, we explore the history of Parkinson’s, giving advice surrounding the importance of this awareness month and how you can provide support and get involved. Let's make a difference…
A Brief History of Parkinson’s
The disease was first discovered by James Parkinson, who was an English surgeon. The disease was named after James and his work into its discovery. James Parkinson’s most famous work is Shaking Palsy, which became the foundation for understanding Parkinson’s. His principles were later refined and described by Jean-Martin Charcot and William Gowers. Their efforts helped create treatments and standardize the study.
Thanks to their work, we now have defined characteristics (Parkinsonisms) of Parkinson’s. For example, the loss of facial movements and reduced eye motion known as Hypomimia, or masked face and facial masking. Hypomimia can start as early as stage one and progress as the condition takes hold. It is a misconception that the first sign of Parkinson’s is a tremor, but difficulty sleeping and smaller than usual handwriting are more common.
Another misconception is that Parkinson’s only affects the older generation, but 137,000 people under the age of 50 have early-onset Parkinson’s, which equates to 0.2% of the population.
Their work shaped the specialist roles of healthcare staff that help those with Parkinson’s, which include:
- Physiotherapist
- Movement Disorder Specialist
- Occupational Therapist
Each of these key positions will help in different aspects of the person’s life, focusing on rehabilitation and support.
Ways to Support Your Loved One With Parkinson’s
Educate Yourself and Teach Others
It’s essential to have a good understanding of the topic, allowing you to help those in your community or family who have the disease. You can be more considerate and provide better support when knowledgeable. 2021’s theme of Parkinson’s Awareness Day stressed the importance of #KnowMorePD.
Reach Out to Someone with Parkinson’s
Certain individuals with Parkinson’s can become closed off, so reaching out and checking up with them is crucial for their mental health.
Participate in Charity Events and Fundraising
Up and down the UK, there are many events held year-round that you can participate in to help spread information and raise awareness and money for this important cause. There are many fun ways to get involved, catering to various interests, from walks and runs to bake sales and coffee mornings.
Share Information and Resources Around PD
2018’s theme for Parkinson’s Awareness Day, Start a Conversation, asked people to get involved in the observance day by spreading knowledge and information about the topic to inspire others to get involved. Speak to the community, your family, friends, neighbors, local businesses, and healthcare teams.
Getting Tips On Parkinson’s Treatments
Parkinson’s Foundation 2019 theme stated that awareness is the ‘Key2PD’. They asked the community to share helpful tips to help those living with the disease. Knowing how others are coping independently with struggles associated with the disease can improve welfare. This information can help healthcare providers see trends in treatments. Make sure to go on social media and see the tweeted tips under the #Key2PD hashtag.
Create Plans to Prepare for Parkinson’s Challenges
This plan is to help improve mindset and mental health, so plan items into the day that will inspire you, such as a walk or a phone call with a friend. If there are certain tasks around the home you need some help with, stick them on the calendar and see if friends or a professional could provide the help required. There’s no need to put off the task fully. Mark it on your calendar and plan for it, which helps to minimize stress. 2020’s theme, #Plan4PD, inspired this tip.
Find Products that Can Alleviate Issues
At Tenura, we have many helpful products for those with Parkinson’s. We listed some of the most common symptoms and some products that can provide help:
Tremors are uncontrollable shakes, often in the hands and fingers, making opening containers tricky. Having a silicone jar or bottle opener can make opening bottles and jars easier as well as providing a good grip on other objects like taps or doorknobs.
Impaired posture and balance can increase the risk of slips around the home. Placing a Tenura non-slip floor mat in areas where additional grip is required, such as a foothold near a sofa or at the side of a bed, can help reduce this risk.
Writing style changes, and with Parkinson’s, it often gets smaller due to more limited hand movements and the difficulty and pain of holding a thin pen or pencil. By increasing the width of the pen with a Tenura cutlery grip, you can make writing a more comfortable task for a person with Parkinson’s.
If you want to get involved in this year’s Parkinson’s Awareness Day, use the following hashtags:
- #UniteForParkinsons
- #KnowMorePD
- #ParkinsonsAwarenessMonth
- #ParkinsonsAwareness
- #Together4PD
You can also get a 10% discount on the Tenura range, including the products above.
The discount code is: PAM10, and will be valid for one month.
Tenura US Christmas & New Year Opening Hours. Let’s Celebrate!
In 2021, Tenura participated in the Purple Tuesday campaign. Our goal for the campaign was to make the website more accessible for disabled individuals. We are continuing with this initiative in the coming year. We also helped to spread awareness and key information about some causes close to us and our customers:
- World Occupational Therapy Day 2021
- Global Arthritis Day 2021
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021
More products from the Tenura range are now available in cardboard cartons as we move away from plastic packaging and towards eco-friendly alternatives, and 2022 will be no different. You can read about our eco-friendly initiatives in the ‘Fixing the Plastic Crisis’ blog.
We enjoyed watching the fantastic Paralympians competing at the Tokyo Paralympics and created a blog looking at ways to make sports more accessible for the disabled. We are excited to watch the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games in 2022.
Our Opening Times
You may be thinking of purchasing some Tenura products in time for Christmas. Tenura order cut off before Christmas is December 22nd at 1pm for expedited, December 23rd at 3pm for standard services, subject to stock availability. Should you require your products over this period, please get in touch with us as soon as possible to arrange this.
Our services will be limited over the festive period. Tenura US’s opening times are below:
December 24th – Closed
December 31st – Closed
December 27th – Open with reduced capacity
December 28th – Open with reduced capacity
December 29th – Open with reduced capacity
December 30th – Open with reduced capacity
December 31st – Closed
January 3rd – Business resumes as normal
If you want Tenura US updates, you can subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social media accounts to stay informed on opening hours and other helpful information:
We hope you have a Happy Christmas and New Year. See you in 2022!
10% Discount on Tenura Disability Aids and Purple Tuesday 2021
Some companies are taking up the Purple Tuesday initiative to make their company values align with the disabled community. This blog will outline how you can get involved and what Tenura is doing to ensure we provide inclusive customer service.
So, What’s Purple Tuesday All About
Fourteen million people in the UK live with a disability, equating to roughly 22% of the population. With that many people classified as having some form of disability, you’d think we would have better infrastructure as a nation to cope with the challenges the disabled community face.
We are excited to be taking part this year and joining in with over 5,000 organizations, pledging towards the Purple Tuesday campaign. Each organization reflects inward to evaluate their customer service to make it a better experience for the disabled.
How Technology and Companies can Help
As technology and our understanding of disabilities continues to grow, the future for inclusivity is bright, which is precisely what Purple Tuesday is all about.
The technology push towards a more accessible customer experience is essential. It can start with ideas such as website accessibility, voice recognition devices, and providing different channels disabled customers can access your services. Companies coming up with technology advancements in the name of disability inclusion are fantastic, as all these changes can vastly improve a disabled person’s experience with your company.
Companies can make changes offline too, which includes; training staff helping them to communicate with disabled people, installing wheelchair ramps, and creating clear signage.
If you are a company that wants to join in on the Purple Tuesday campaign, you can via their website, you need to register, then pledge a commitment that will benefit disabled people using your company. Put your ideas into action and deliver on your goals, so you can celebrate your achievements when it comes to 2nd November.
How You Can Help
Those of you speaking out on social media, informing others about businesses stepping in the right direction, and making those positive-discrimination steps is impactful. Helping companies recognize ways they can improve accessibility helps create the market pull, pulling companies in line with the values of the disabled community and beyond.
You can use the following hashtags to join in on the conversation:
- #PT2021
- #PurpleTuesday2021
- #DisabilityInclusion
- #AccessibilityForAll
Tenura’s Pledge to Purple Tuesday
We aim to provide a better user experience for disabled people using the Tenura website. We want to be inclusive, and with products aimed at those who are disabled, it seems like a step in the right direction.
One step we have taken to reach our goal of a more inclusive website is a website audit. The website audit picks up areas where we can make our website accessible. We will be implementing these ideas in the coming years, as we have big plans, ranging from image naming formulas that aid those using screen readers to releasing a guide on website accessibility in the form of a blog. We started our strategy last year and have been making small manageable steps towards our goal ever since. As I am sure you appreciate, these adaptations take both time and money.
To further help us towards our website accessibility goal, please send an email informing us of any website accessibility techniques you feel we could implement.
We want to show our appreciation to the community pledging towards a better future by offering you a 10% discount on all Tenura products via our website. Use the discount code PURPLETUES10 at checkout to redeem.
This promotion is running from 26/10/21 to 16/11/21.
2021 World OT Day + Free Occupational Therapy Gift
Initially, this observance day was known as WFOT Occupational Therapy International Day, until 2010 when it was renamed Occupation Therapy Day/World OT Day. The observation day became official and globally recognized in 2010.
The organization behind OT day is the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, WFOT, which provides a supportive community for occupational therapists globally with over 100 organizations and 580,000 occupational therapists in their membership program. Their key goals are to provide a "global voice for occupational therapists" and "set the standards" for OT practices. They want to educate their members with the latest industry news and techniques, delivering this via their approved education programs.
The World Federation of Occupational Therapists is pushing the focus this year on displaced persons and marginalized communities and how best to support them as occupational therapists.
This crucial topic is at the forefront of people's minds following shifts in the socioenvironmental climate following the recent events and those seeking refuge from Afghanistan.
World OT Day 2021 Theme
This year's World OT Day theme is "Belong. Be you.", which lends itself to their latest initiative. They are releasing content regarding diversity, adversity, and inclusion, and how we can work together to improve community relations and resilience. We all come across struggles in daily life. Some people in our local and global communities have a more challenging time overcoming adversity, recently highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement and the scenes in Kabul following the evacuation of troops in Afghanistan.
For some readers, you may be unaware of the essential work that occupational therapists do, especially concerning the above. Still, this blog will demonstrate how vital their role is in our communities and why we need to show our support.
Occupational therapists can help those living in crisis or transitioning to a new location after seeking asylum. They can utilize socio-political occupational therapy techniques to help patients further. They can help by giving a person structure to their daily lives to provide a sense of normalcy. Their work improves the patient's mental health and integration into their new local communities. Integration is paramount and can be acquired through education and bridging the gap between cultural differences. These techniques aim to develop the patient's independence.
As you can imagine, moving to a new area or even country, things can vary, from the types of food to the typical clothing fashions. It was not a choice for displaced humans to move, and the migration was involuntary or even coerced. These people could be fleeing persecution, war/conflict, and violations of their human rights. So, understanding culture is beneficial for all parties involved, especially as there may be a language barrier in the initial move.
If you are an OT and want to improve your knowledge surrounding this year's theme, there are two free courses available from the World Federation of Occupational Therapists website:
- WFOT Disaster Management for Occupational Therapists
- Occupational Therapy: Working with Displaced Persons
Get Involved in World OT Day 2021
You can be involved in World OT Day via the #WorldOTDay hashtag, post a picture of you celebrating at your practice, and help spread awareness. They also have some social media images and other content you can use to help promote World OT Day via their website.
Other hashtags you can use include:
- #WorldOccupationalTherapyDay
- #OccupationalTherapyDay
- #WFOTOccupationalTherapyInternationalDay
The WFOT has partnered with PromOTing Occupational Therapy. Their theme is to "Pay it Forward", calling Occupational Therapist practitioners and students globally to volunteer some of their time to help make a difference in the world. They have also made a map detailing the countries that have taken part over the years.
If you are looking for some accounts to follow so you can share their content and join in on the conversation, be sure to view:
- World Federation of Occupational Therapists
- World OT Day
- Tenura's Facebook and Twitter accounts
We Support World OT Day + Claim Your Free Gift
We want to give away a pack of 4 anti-slip coasters with any purchase. The drinks coasters are made from non-slip silicone, which prevents drinks from being easily knocked over and spilling. To claim the free gift, add the discount code FREECOASTEROTD at checkout. We hope you have enjoyed this blog and will get involved in this year's OT day. Make sure you don't miss out on other healthcare observation days and future free gifts by subscribing to our blog.
Please note, you must spend over £10 on the Tenura website to redeem the offer via the discount code. The promotion is running from 14/10/21 to 14/11/21.
2021 World Arthritis Day and Free Arthritis Aid with Purchase
This year Global Arthritis Day will be held on the 12th of October. There are many global awareness days, which are vital, as they bring important topics to the forefront of people's minds. The Arthritis Foundation organizes this awareness day, and you can join in on the action by using the hashtag #CureArthritisWAD.
Let's explore some interesting facts and other ways you can be involved in Global Arthritis Day 2021…
Interesting Origin Facts of Arthritis
It might be interesting for you to learn that the word arthritis comes from the Greek language. The word 'arthro' means joints, and 'itis' means inflamed. Inflamed joints are one of the main symptoms of Arthritis. often those with arthritis feel pain in affected areas, see reddening skin, and find their muscles feel tired/weak.
The earliest records of arthritis being present in humans dates back to 4500 BC.
Who is Affected by Arthritis?
In the US, over ten million people live with arthritis or equivalent condition, of which 400,000 have rheumatoid arthritis, the second most prevalent type of arthritis, the first being osteoarthritis, which affects approximately 8.5 million people. There are over one hundred types of arthritis worldwide.
Another fact that will shock you is that women are three times more likely to contract arthritis than men. The reason is that women's bones can move around more. Women have relaxed, natural bone positioning and a smooth, skeletal system that allows for more flexibility, but if a movement is performed incorrectly, it can lead to significant injury.
Men have bones coarse in texture and more defined muscle attachment. These two characteristics allow muscle connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments to attach better to the bone, creating stronger supporting muscles that prevent improper movement in the joints. Women also experience bone density loss during menopause which can impact the development of arthritis.
Most types of arthritis begin in a person's late 40s to early 50s. However, children can get forms of arthritis, and the term for this is juvenile arthritis. They will likely be given casts/splints to help with movements and for support. 27,000 people under the age of 25 have arthritis in the UK, and of those, 12,000 are children.
Getting Treatment for Arthritis
As there is no known cure for arthritis, many treatments focus on reducing the pain the person experiences. Often you will be referred to a specialist in physiotherapy who can help combat the pain associated with arthritis.
Physiotherapists can demonstrate posture improvements to their patients and the ways skeletons move and maintain healthy joints to prevent further injury to the affected area. To help maintain activity levels, improve joint strength and motion, they can set goals to help you stay as active as possible. Physiotherapists can also develop a personalized plan of pain-free exercises. If you do have any questions regarding your condition, they are full of advice surrounding arthritis.
In conjunction with joint exercises, physiotherapists use pain relief treatments. Such techniques include massages, acupuncture, or thermotherapy methods. Thermotherapy uses temperature to improve blood circulation, tissue metabolism, and elasticity.
To get this professional help for your arthritis, or if you suspect you have arthritis, you will first likely need to visit your GP, and they can refer you to a specialist. You can source a private physiotherapist through research online and a self-referral.
World Arthritis Day Themes
For the past four years, Global Arthritis Day has had themes. It started in 2017 with the theme, "Don't Delay, Connect Today." This concept focused on accessibility to treatments for those with arthritis and emphasized the importance of early diagnosis. Spreading awareness of the symptoms can give a person the confidence to self-diagnose and seek a GP's advice.
Following this, in 2018, the theme for World Arthritis Day was "It's in your hands, take action.", which highlighted that healthcare is available for those living with arthritis and is more accessible thanks to last years WAD efforts. People need to visit their GP when symptoms occur for early diagnosis and treatments. Going untreated can cause further damage to the affected joints.
2019 and 2020 brought us the "Time2Work" theme, which emphasizes company accessibility for people with arthritis. It also helped employers recognize ways to make workplaces more accessible and gave advice for employees on returning to work following rehabilitation.
2021's theme is not yet released, but we will update you via our socials as soon as more information becomes available, so be sure you follow us on one of the following platforms, Facebook or Twitter.
Those living with arthritis have the opportunity to aid medical research teams in discovering new drug treatments and be a part of changing laws and other legislation regarding arthritis, making things more accessible and less discriminatory. This can be done by enrolling on the Time2Research campaign, which runs all year-round.
Get Involved in World Arthritis Day
You can be involved in World Arthritis Day via the #CureArthritisWAD, post a picture, and show your support to the cause. Join us, Tenura, and hundreds of other companies this WAD.
There are many dates throughout the year that help spread awareness and raise money for medical research. We have detailed some below:
- 2nd of February - Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
- 20th of May - World Autoimmune and Auto-Inflammatory Arthritis Day
- June - Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
- 13th - 18th of September Rheumatoid Arthritis Week
Arthritis Aids & Your Free Gift
At Tenura, we have some brilliant arthritis aids that help those with arthritic hands perform daily tasks like opening bottles or turning taps. For help with these tasks, you may require a Tenura bottle opener. For larger containers such as jars or cleaning products, you may need a Tenura jar opener.
Tenura bottle and jar openers have many great benefits for people with arthritis and can be especially helpful in the following areas:
- Less muscle and grip strength is required to open twist-top containers when using a Tenura jar or bottle opener.
- Each bottle/jar opener can provide extra grip on other items around the home or workplace, such as taps, doorknobs, and cupboard handles.
- Useful for people with arthritis or any condition that weakens hand grip as bottle openers/jar openers reduce the grip strength required to complete the same task, making it a more manageable and comfortable experience.
- You can use bottle openers in environments where a high hygiene standard must be maintained, which is vital for those who have had surgery for arthritis or have exposed skin from irritation and itching, symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Tenura jar and bottle openers improve comfort due to their silicone structure. They protect your hands from the ribbed surface of many bottle and jar lids.
To qualify for a free Tenura bottle opener, you must spend £20+ at the Tenura web store and use the discount code BOTTLE20. To be eligible for a Tenura jar opener instead, spend £30+ via our website, and use the discount code JAR30.
This promotion is running from 04/10/21 to 25/10/21.
If you are interested in subjects like this and want to get exclusive deals in the future, make sure you subscribe to our blog.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year from Tenura!
I can safely say that 2020 was not the year we were all expecting! Luckily 2021 is in sight.
For me, 2021 holds a wealth of opportunity, and I will hopefully get to see more of my friends and family (of course, as and when the government deem it safe). Staying connected with my friends and family in the coming year is going to be one of my main focuses, and I believe this to be in line with that of the UK population. We have all missed out on seeing family during milestones such as birthdays.
During this time, please keep in your mind, relatives or friends who are struggling to live independently and may require your assistance from time to time, check up on them and make sure they are doing well, this is what Christmas is all about. We know it can be challenging to spread the Christmas spirit when barriers such as lockdowns are in play. However, these people are a part of our community and deserve the utmost care.
2021 in terms of Tenura is another full year of helpful videos, and continued commitment to deliver our high-quality products internationally, to help everyone worldwide who hasn’t yet discovered the wonders of Tenura.
Fingers crossed we will see you at one of the exhibitions we plan on attending. However, it is too early to give any more details on the whereabouts, as we know, from our 2020 experience, these details are subject to change. Subscribe to the blog to stay up-to-date (and receive a 10% off discount code).
As for our opening hours during the Christmas period, they are as follows:
Date | Opening Times |
Thursday 24th December | Close at 12:00 |
Friday 25th December | CLOSED |
Thursday 31st December 2020 | Close at 12:00 |
Friday 1st December 2020 | CLOSED |
Monday 4th January 2021 | OPEN + FULLY OPERATIONAL |
If you are going to make a purchase and would like it in time for Christmas, we suggest ordering before the 23rd December.
From the bottom of our hearts here at Tenura, we wish you all the best for the new year, and we hope that Christmas goes as well as it can, even if we can’t be with our loved ones, we can connect with them in other ways.
Now is a time to reflect, reminiscence and create goals for a joyous new year. Let us know your aspirations for 2021 by connecting with us on our socials (Facebook and Twitter)
Happy Halloween + New Tenura Video
Enjoy Halloween with the assistance of Tenura products! We want everyone to have a fantastic Halloween, which is why we have teamed up with MazeWebMedia to produce the latest Tenura video.
Watch the video, as it’s filled with exciting and innovative ways you can use Tenura products to make your Halloween accessible to all and avoid any weeping witches or sad skeletons during your festivities.

Tenura Bottle Opener
Enjoying classic autumnal drinks such as dandelion & burdock or pumpkin spiced lattes is easier when you can twist off the bottle cap with ease, all you need is a Tenura bottle opener. The silicone has grip-enhancing properties meaning less strength is required to open bottles.

Tenura Jar Opener
Twisting open jars full of treats or in this case, Nutella, is much easier if you use a grip-enhancing Tenura jar opener.
Tenura CupCaps (Drinks Cover)
Tenura CupCaps creates a seal around the top of your drinks container. The seal stops liquid from escaping, helping you to avoid spillages. Another great feature of Tenura’s drinks cover is it prevents debris from entering your drink, as you can see in our Halloween video.

Tenura Non-Slip Mats
When doing Halloween crafts such as carving a pumpkin or tucking into a Halloween themed feast, Tenura mats can be a great help. They protect your tables from marks, they’re easy to wipe down and are non-slip which keep objects securely in place, helping you avoid slips and spillages.
Tenura Utensil Grips
Carving a pumpkin is a staple of Halloween, but for people who have hand impairments, it can be incredibly tricky and unpleasant. However, if you slip Tenura utensil grips onto your cutlery/carving knife, they create a larger handle which increases comfort and grip.

Tenura Grip Rolls
You can cut Tenura grip roll down to size to create bespoke non-slip surfaces, for instance, in the video, we have wrapped Tenura grip roll around the handle of a butter knife. The user experiences increased grip qualities of the handle and therefore, has more control over the knife, making your Halloween activities safer for the disabled and elderly.
We hope you have found this blog helpful and that you can now celebrate Halloween regardless of age or disability. You can watch more Tenura videos via our YouTube channel.
You can tag us and show how you have put Tenura products to use this Halloween via social media (Facebook and Twitter), we can’t wait to see your scary pumpkin carvings.
Global Occupational Therapy Day 2020
Occupational Therapy Day will take place on the 27th of October 2020; it's an internationally recognised observance day that highlights the importance of hard work but also mental and physical wellbeing. This event celebrates the outstanding work of occupational therapists globally through their efforts to re-train and develop the human brain.
We, at Tenura want to thank Occupational Therapists globally for your contributions to our community and people’s lives.
What is Occupational Therapy?
A form of healthcare, occupational therapy (OT), is about rehabilitation via training and therapy; these techniques help patients attain the skills necessary for everyday life and to renter the workplace. Often a person requires OT if they have a physical or mental problem (impairment may be better than ‘problem’) that is currently impacting their life/ability to work.
The role of an occupational therapist is vast and includes developing everyday skills, like:
- Motor Skills (The action/movement of muscles – to walk, stand and balance)
- Life Skills (Cooking, cleaning and getting dressed
- Social Skills (Handling rejection, rewards, and social interactions positively)
- Cognitive Skills (Problem-solving, decision making, and other brain-based skills)
- Coordination (Minimises the risk of injury while also promoting exercise
People of all ages can seek an occupational therapist for several reasons. A person may need the help of an OT for help regarding birth injuries or defects, sensory processing disorders, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, and other such physical or cognitive difficulties.
To help patients, an OT may suggest you purchase certain types of occupational therapy equipment for the home. At Tenura, we have many home aids that can be beneficial to patients, for instance, the Tenura kitchen pack. Occupational therapy equipment for the home can range from small gadgets that help with menial tasks such as opening a jar, to larger disability aids such as grabrails and adaptive technology.
What is an Observance Day?
Observance days, also known as awareness days, are scattered throughout the year. United Nations General Assembly is one of a few organisations that creates the calendar, taking into account recent and historical events that need national or even global humanitarian reflection. We can all learn from our mistakes and successes for a positive future.
How Can you Participate in Occupation Therapy Day?
You can register to participate in the International Day of Occupational Therapy by arranging a volunteering activity. Over the years, there have been many ways to experience World OT day, including setting up information stands, television appeals, social media campaigns, all to spread the OT message. This year's message is to "Reimagine Doing" which reflects the actions OT community as they help and reimagine the best ways to assist the people in society who need it most.
Tenura has a special discount to help you celebrate Occupational Therapy Day 2020. We are offering a 15% discount on occupational therapy equipment for the home, specifically the Tenura kitchen pack, which contains three helpful aids for the elderly, disabled and other people who need assistance.
You can stay on the pulse of the International Day of Occupational Therapy 2020 by following the hashtags:
- #OTDay2020
- #WorldOTDay2020
You can also follow these awesome accounts on Twitter:
- @thewfot
- @promotingot
- @TenuraUS
Don’t forget to tag us in your OT day celebrations!
World Arthritis Day 2020
To help advocate for World Arthritis Day 2020 (10.12.20), we thought it would be a great idea to answer some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding arthritis.
Can Arthritis be Cured? / Can Arthritis be Treated?
Currently, a cure is not known for arthritis. However, there are many treatments available that can decelerate and help minimise the pain and other symptoms surrounding arthritis. If you believe you or someone you know has arthritis, seek a doctor’s advice immediately.
To treat arthritis, you can use prescribed medication. There are some lifestyle changes you can make too, such as spending more time in the sun, as Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and allows the autoimmune system to work correctly. Sunshine is especially helpful for those with rheumatoid arthritis which is often caused by an autoimmune response in the body. You can read more about this in our "Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis" blog.
There are various operations doctors can perform depending on the type of arthritis and its severity, with the well-known being, joint replacement surgery. During this surgery, a prosthetic joint replaces an arthritic joint.
Can Arthritis Spread?
Rheumatoid arthritis is currently perceived to spread via a person’s blood vessels. If a person has rheumatoid arthritis their arthritic joint releases synovial cells contained in the synovial sac (the sac lubricate joints to avoid friction and wear), these cells travel around the body, affecting other joints-according to a study at the Kerckhoff-Clinic, Germany.
Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis does not spread through the body. Due to this, a person with osteoarthritis may overcompensate, heavily using other joints to remain balanced and mobile. Overcompensating can cause those other joints to have excess stress put through them, which can be damaging, and this is why it is crucial to seek a doctor’s advice as soon as symptoms of arthritis occur.
What does Arthritis Look Like?
Arthritis can cause edema (swelling) in the affected areas, along with red-ish skin. In acute cases, joints are misshapen, so much so, the affected area takes on a new shape resulting in a crooked finger or toe. Knobbly abscesses can contribute to the malformed appearance, these abscesses are the body trying to protect itself, as the joints wear down, the body attempts to regrow the bone, and it doesn’t always grow in the shape it once was. Another indication of arthritis is small mucous cysts that develop on the hands.
What does Arthritis Feel Like?
Initially, it is said to feel achy, similar to a burning sensation which comes and goes depending on your activity level. In the later stages, the pain tends not to subside and remains in the affected joints. Around affected joints, the skin may be warm to the touch due to inflammation caused by irritated joints. Joints tend to become stiff and seize up, which is why the NHS recommends exercise.
How can you Participate in World Arthritis Day 2020?
We are glad you asked, there are many ways you can support World Arthritis Day. You can raise awareness and spread knowledge through your family, friends and social media. You can participate in local healthcare organisation’s charity events, appeals or fundraisers. Perhaps you could start a fundraiser yourself or participate in a fun run.
One of the ways Tenura will be supporting World Arthritis Day is through our marketing channels. We will be posting helpful information all month regarding Arthritis and Tenura arthritis aids. You can learn more about Tenura arthritis aids through our blog.
A quick low down of some helpful arthritis friendly Tenura products:
Tenura Non-Slip Coasters and Anti-Slip Mats
Non-slip coasters and anti-slip mats provide a place to rest things such as mugs and plates, the silicone grips onto the objects which keeps them held in position. A person with arthritis may find these anti-slip mats to be helpful, as you can use them in conjunction with the silicone jar and bottle openers to open containers with one hand, allowing you to use the less arthritic hand.
Tenura Silicone Jar and Bottle Opener
Jar and bottle openers enable you to open containers with ease. Tenura silicone has grip-enhancing properties that allow you to get a firm grasp of lids. For a person living with arthritis, these openers can be a great help as pain, swelling, or other flare-up symptoms can make objects a struggle to hold.
Tenura Silicone Cutlery Grips
Arthritis can cause reduced movement in your hands and fingers that makes holding onto cutlery difficult. By sliding Tenura cutlery grips onto utensils, you no longer require the full motion used to clutch cutlery as the surface area is now greater.

Tenura Silicone Non-Slip Grip Strips and Rolls
Create bespoke arthritis aids using Tenura grip strips or rolls. You can cut Tenura silicone down to the size and shape required. Many of our customers who live with arthritis use the grip strips around handles of cupboards, pans, DIY and gardening tools, to mention a few. Tenura silicone is both a non-slip material and grip-enhancing, which is why it is perfect for use on handles, you can get a firm hold without the risk of things slipping out of your hands.
All the products listed above are made from Tenura silicone, which means they are:
- Antimicrobial (prevents bacteria harbouring)
- Washable by hand or dishwasher (withstanding temperatures up to 250°C)
- Non-toxic (safe to use in all environments)
- Latex-free
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- #WorldArthritisDay
- #ArthritisDay
- #ArthritisDay2020
- #CureArthritisWAD
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